01327 858743 or 07747 446375
call Joyce or Martin to make a reservation now
Join Joyce and Martin for a warm welcome at their 4 Star Silver rated Bed and Breakfast / Guest House.

Bed and Breakfast in Silverstone village
Silverstone B&B Silverstone Guest House
About Us
Joyce and Martin

We are both from service backgrounds, Martin has worked for a number of large corporate companies, whilst Joyce has run and owned restaurants in the North East of England.

We moved to Silverstone in 2001 after moving down from Durham for work three years earlier. We purchased the house because of its location and built on the rear, providing extra bedrooms with en-suite for the purpose of providing quality Bed and Breakfast. Over the last few years we have built a reputation that can be justified by reading our reviews on Trip Advisor.
We want your stay to be as comfortable and memorable as possible and will ensure you are greeted with a friendly welcome including a drink.

For more infomation call us: 01327 858743 or 07747 446375
Silverstone Guest House
Friendly, Comfortable and Memorable