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01327 858743 or 07747 446375
call Joyce or Martin to make a reservation now
Join Joyce and Martin for a warm welcome at their 4 Star Silver rated Bed and Breakfast / Guest House.
Bed and Breakfast in Silverstone village
Silverstone B&B Silverstone Guest House
What our guests say about us
Silverstone Guest House is rated by our previous guests on Trip Advisor.

We like to promote a friendly relaxed atmosphere and strive to ensure that your stay with us is as comfortable and memorable as possible. It would help us greatly if you could take a few moments and provide us with feedback on tripadvisor for your recent stay with us at Pembury House. This feedback is important to us to maintain or change the service we offer to you and other guests. Please click on the link to Trip Advisor.
Below is an online link to the Trip Advisor web page so you can see our latest reviews.
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